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Why did we unionize?

Our union was certified after a majority of students voted yes to form a union in Summer 2023. Click on the reports below and click through our testimonials to learn why your friends, classmates, and co-workers have supported forming a graduate student union.​​

As part of the Community Partnered Policy and Action (CPPA) stream, my research interests include expanding access and equity in K-12, postsecondary, and early childhood education. I believe PRGS would benefit greatly from having a graduate student union due to the legal bargaining power unions are afforded. On principle, unions protect workers' rights, and by unionizing, we ensure that same protection for not just the current students but for the future generations of students who enroll and progress through the program. We would be able to leverage the union to advocate for improved wages, housing, OJT, and important aspects of PRGS that ultimately contribute to students' well-being.


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